The world’s current digital environment demands a fully responsive website. Providing a solution that simplified the user’s path and unified the design system was a top priority.

Active customers had no visibility into their relationship with Momar. Access to past invoices and order history was completely non-existent. A feature remedied by creating an account portal.

Creating the customer account portal meant providing easy access to required Safety Data Sheets for all products purchased through Momar. In an emergency, access is everything. 

I’m good with making resources go further.

There is a lot of benefit in making something memorable and if it’s memorable for the right reasons the benefits grow exponentially.

Would Blister strip the paint off of a full-sized Camaro? You bet. Would it be necessary to use a full-size Camaro? You be the judge.


Product. Product. Product.

We call them Solutions.

For decades Momar was taking a photo of a drum, quart, pail, or can of a chemical, cutting the photo out and adding the outcome to a patchwork of other misfit product shots.

With packaging substrates from metal, plastic, and fiber ranging in color from black, blue, clear, metal, red, white, and yellow, and a myriad of sizes, building digital templates was long overdue. The project averted what would have been a workflow nightmare during the pandemic. Fresh designs should go on equally fresh product templates.

Momar had a massive backlog of emails sliced in photoshop and sent as images. Experience told me that the percentage of these being delivered was small, as mail filters hate both emails with no text and emails with massive file size.

Developing a responsive email format was critical to the health of the marketing efforts.

Internal Usability Matters

It’s not all about what’s leaving the building, internal emails need to be designed too. A legacy build was sending status update emails with tables built in %s – the result was an incomprehensible mess on the user’s end. Organizing the data more efficiently and building a responsive table structure solved the issue.

Dynamic Responsive Emails

Momar is proud to offer well over 3,000 solutions. With a sales team of 200+ individuals, you can never anticipate what someone will sell. Creating a template to instantly generate a product email from stored database information made thousands of responsive emails overnight.

No Attachment Issues

Sales members could attach any relevant literature to an email. Originally this literature would bind as an attachment. To further reduce outgoing file size I designed these items to automatically bind as links in outgoing communications.

I’ve made a lot of templates. For me, it’s not just about standardization, but making the process less complicated. From corporate communications to sell sheets for sales representatives, I’ve simplified the workflow.

Eliot is more than a graphic artist. He’s able to take it all in, assimilate large, multi-faceted concepts, and produce concise, elegant, and rich results. He is well organized, extremely intelligent, and passionate about his work. He elevates those around him and works well alone and in team environments.

West Gary

Chief Technology Officer, Momar

Momar’s brand was such a fun project to spend so much time with. When I was hired in 2016 I was drawn to the huge potential for growth, rich Atlanta history, and vast product diversity – a combination that made lots of room for big personality.

There were over 70 years of product history and business practices to navigate – a process that yielded a bunch of successes and a few failures.



*The Momar logo was developed by someone else.

One of my favorite projects for Momar was creating Erle N. Meyer – a lovable, absent-minded Erlenmeyer flask. He’s a bit fragile, a bit sensitive, and quite possibly the world’s best bowler.

Originally created for our annual company bowling tournament, Erle is an asset to corporate culture. His chemical makeup is a tribute to the chemists who work in the lab and a nod to Sam Mohr’s iconic glasses.

Obligatory Horror Film tribute

Custom 404 page